Since its formation in 2019, Poem Atlas has curated events at the Poetry Society, the Art Park Gallery, the Westminster Reference Library and elsewhere, and has showcased over 100 commissions from new and established poets from around the world in physical and online exhibitions and publications. Poem Atlas started the tradition of online visual poetry exhibitions in December 2019, and has curated several successful online exhibitions ever since. Here's a list of our past contributors in alphabetical order:
Anwar Akbur
Sascha Akhtar
Gary Barwin
Derek Beaulieu
Russell Bennetts
Vilde Valerie Bjerke Torset
CD Boyland
Diana Brighouse
Josephine Carter
Sarah Cave
Hermione Cameron
Kimberly Campanello
Susie Campbell
Ollie Charles
Theodoros Chiotis
E.J Coates
Claire Collison
Jack Cooper
Rosie Copeland
Patrick Cosgrove
Mark Coverdale
Madelaine Culver
Jade Cuttle
Sarah Dawson
Trini Decombe
Nikki Dudley
Andrew Dyer
Amanda Earl
Sara Elgerot
indigo eli
Stephen Emmerson
Jacqueline Ennis Cole
Aislinn Evans
Alexis Fedorjaczenko
Lara Felsing
Emma Filtness
Steven J Fowler
Simon Frank
Geneviève Grant-Thompson
Lisa Golze
Storm Greenwood
Caroline Harris
Paul Hawkins
JD Howse
Briony Hughes
Jill Jones
James Kearns
Sam Kemp
Chris Kerr
L. Kiew
John Kilburn
James Knight
Yvonne Litschel
Katharina Ludwig
Tor Lukasik-Foss
Matt Martin
Chris McCabe
Vicky McKay
Sophie Mills
Paolo Montanari
Stephen Mooney
Nick Murray
Julia Nakotte
Simona Nastac
Jacqueline Nicholls
Martina O'Shea
Daniele Pantano
Konstantinos Papacharalampos
Astra Papachristodoulou
Michelle Penn
Magret Peper
Michal Kamil Piotrowski
Colin Raff
Silje Ree
Imogen Reid
Johanna Rodríguez
Ben Rogers
Steve Ryan
Karen Sandhu
Yasmine Seale
Max Shirley
Vik Shirley
Kate Siklosi
Sarah J Sloat
Sasha Stiles
Jon Stone
Nic Stringer
Piotr Szreniawski
Greg Thomas
Luke Thompson
Robert R. Thurman
Lizzy Turner
Simon Tyrrell
Andrés Felipe Üribe Cárdenas
Maggs Vibo
Martin Wakefield
Nadira Clare Wallace
Mike Weston
Maria Wigley
Milena Williamson
Manuela Zammit
Pavel Zarutskiy